Realms: The Roleplaying Art of Tony DiTerlizzi

Selasa, 03 Februari 2015 | komentar

Read Realms: The Roleplaying Art of Tony DiTerlizzi

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New York Times bestselling creator Tony DiTerlizzi is known for his distinctive style depicting fantastical creatures, horrific monsters, and courageous heroes. His illustrations reshaped and defined the worlds of Advanced Dungeons and Dragons, Planescape, and Magic: The Gathering in the imaginations of legions of devoted roleplaying gamers during the 1990s, before he transitioned to mainstream success with The Spiderwick Chronicles and The Search for WondLa. Collected here for the first time, this book features never-before-seen artwork and photographs, in addition to showcasing DiTerlizzi's most iconic roleplaying work with commentary by the artist. Introduction by Christopher Paolini (Eragon) and featuring appreciations by Guillermo del Toro, Brom, Jane Yolen, Holly Black, Zeb Cook, Jeff Easley, and Donato Giancola, among others!

Tony's work has a distinct flair, a love for monsters if you will . . . His creatures have the charm of Henson or Rackham but they carry with them hints of their own ecosystem . . . Tony stands alone as a world creator and a weaver of tales, may you treasure these art pieces as much as I do.
--Guillermo del Toro


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